It is said, “What is not recorded is not remembered.”It was definitely an exciting and enjoyable trip,Looking at travel photos in the albumWhen, with whom, and where did you go to this destination?Have you ever lost your memory?As time goes by, my travel memories grow.If you have ever experienced blurryTravel record app, TripbookWhile traveling, keep a daily travel diary.Create a special travel book in your hand.A special travel book in my hand, ‘Trip Book’Travel memories that are forgotten as time passesPreciously stored in book formThis is a travel record app.It is a trip book that can be used by anyone, regardless of gender or age.In particular, I recommend it to these people!- Those who want to easily record their travel- Those who want to cherish travel memories that are forgotten as time passes.- Those who want to record their travel in the form of a book- Those who like domestic travel- Those who want to cherish the memories of their travel souvenirsWith exciting travel memories,Create your own special travel book :)Made with precious travel recordsMy own special travel book, trip bookWhat you want comes trueI hope it can become a dream book.